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fromDecember 13, 2002 toJanuary 12, 2003 - EACC


Contemporània@ 2002 CS Project Platform

Project curated by Juan de Nieves

Since the creation of the Espai d'art contemporani de Castelló, the centre has organized Contemporàni@ every year, a project devoted to reflection and analysis of those artistic and cultural aspects which, in one way or another, configure the social, political, and cultural reality of Castellón. In its fourth edition, the EACC attempted to go one step further in its concept offering a proposal not exclusively constricted to the exhibition format which had prevailed in previous editions.

Thus, Contemporània@ 2002 was conceived to make space for another type of cultural proposal, whose participative dynamism and sense tried to relocate the museum institution in a more active and vital position and, above all, achieve a total articulation with the local urban fabric.

Workshops, DJ sessions and music concerts were organized during the months of December and January, as well as film projections, exhibitions, and several courses which turned the EACC into a true springboard for participative projects.

Xavier Arenós + Escola Superior de Disseny, Marta Calvo, Monserrat Cortadellas, José Manuel García Izquierdo (JMGI), Josep Maria Martín + Escola de Disseny + General Cut, Joaquina Moragrega, José Morraja, Héctor Sos, Susi.a, Chuk Young Choe

Cop, Carles Lloréns, Francesc, Freddy, Au, Shangri-La, I Star Generation, Iron Cat.


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