Home >  > Exhibitions > Exhibition history > THE DISCREDIT OF REALITY

fromJune 25 toSeptember 18, 2022 - EACC



The exhibition «The discredit of Reality» seems not having unity, feeling of weirdness, accumulation of gestures, materials and speeches related through vestiges, traces and pieces of former lives. What did not happen will never happen again. Thus, what exists is potentiality of not existing anymore. Indeed, the majority of artists exhibiting in this show could be considered as part of a moment of turning point and uncertain future, of thinking new ways, of finding alternatives to a concept of artistic culture and production in crisis. A world exhausted, wasted, redefining its cultural and social models. It was unavoidable that it would not affect the position of a generation of artists and social movements. The artists and the associations invited to this exhibition have received two kinds of proposals: assign a work to affect the exhibition space or participate in a process of discredit of the EACC.
No thematic, discursive or language relationship was sought, not even the aura or modern autonomy of the works. This exhibition had to be a discredit that would allow to include a series of gestures, voices and affections with which heal and bring the EACC a new life. The 1990s held Olimpic Games, an international exhibition and diverse features were built. Thirty years later, they have to be seen with different eyes and inhabited with other bodies.
Joan Fuster wrote in 1995 an aesthetic essay entitled The Discredit of Reality, a text with which the Valencian intellectual contextualized the Avant-garde painting. For Fuster XX art was a discredit of the necessity of painting the reality as it was. The Avant-garde allowed representing reality from other visual speeches. Influenced by a modern materialistic and progressive philosophical view, the text shows a linear reading of history that finishes with the end point of the work. But, how would the essay have continued? Which were the discredits that followed the fifties? Which would be the current discredit?
PARTICIPANTS: Gema Quiles / Jorge Julve / Lara Ordóñez / Maria Doménech / Carlos Bonet / Leomi Sadler / Blanca Arias / Malaerba / Guillermo Ros / Carlos Páramo / Alex Marco / Lu Rose Biltucci
CURATED: Paula Lorenzo / Carles Àngel Saurí


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